Protect Your Screen: What Screen Protector to Buy

Protect Your Screen: What Screen Protector to Buy If you are like me, you have had your fair share of cracking your phone screen. There is nothing worse than seeing your phone make the slow fall to the ground and then having to dreadfully pick it up to see if the screen has cracked […]
LCD vs OLED Screens

LCD vs OLED Screens As phones increase in processing power every year, it is only to be expected that the exterior parts improve as well. LCD is still the most common screen, but they are slowly being phased out by manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung. So let’s look at the two screens, what […]
Keeping Your Phone Protected This Summer

Keeping Your Phone Protected This Summer The first full week of summer is in the books. With summer comes increased activity and more opportunities to break your phone. Before we look at how to protect your phone, let’s look at who and how phones get the broken the most frequently. AT&T released a report […]
iPhone 12 Series Launch: What’s New!

iPhone 12 Series Launch: What’s New! Apple’s newest iPhone lineup to be released in October 2020 is a sign of the changing times. The iPhone 12 series will offer phones in every price range starting at $649 with their base model. There will be two iPhone 12 variants but having two different screen sizes: […]
iPhone 12 Rumors and Facts

iPhone 12 Rumors and Facts The myth of the iPhone 12 has resonated on the internet since the supposed information leaks in May of 2020. The dummy models are released to case manufacturers so that accessories can be made in preparation for the launch. These dummies were put on the web and show a […]
iPhone SE 2020 – What’s New!

iPhone SE 2020 – What’s New! Exciting news that the iPhone SE 2020 has launched and is available for purchase. Coming in only 3 colors: red, white, and black, this phone boasts a starting price point at $399.99 and 64 gigabytes of storage. The brand-new iPhone SE 2020 will be on-par with some of […]